Register and recharge


Its good be home from San Diego and back teaching. Thanks for joining me this week. I love hearing your stories of healing and seeing your pets :)

We stepped on the mat mindfully offering up the work we do here: may it be meaningful and beneficial. Throughout the vinyasa practice, the work was in service of registering the moments as they arise. This builds the skill of being present. We allowed the poses to help us practice being in the moment. By focusing on one moment, you relax the brain. When we are distracted, it drains us.

Students had fun with a variety of poses. Standing sequences were interspersed with twists and boat pose, crow, and a moment of kneeling with eyes closed to feel the subtle sensations in the experience of stillness. We continued on into Pigeon pose, camel pose and a twist in janu sirsasana. Yogis made the shifts and modifications they needed, knowing they were doing the important work of registering the moment. Students learned to observe and listen, no judgment. To take in the moment just as it is; to let it be as it is with a sense of ease and space.

By simultaneously noticing their breath and their hamstrings, their hands and their feet, their spine and the warmth on their skin . . . students created a deeper connection to themselves and their experience, and we all walked away recharged!

The light in me sees the light in you. Namaste, Lynn & Spirit (our black lab and Zoom mascot )