

Clean air …. yay! Fires being contained … yay! Cooler temps …. yay! I hope you’re hanging in there. What I’ve needed during this time is: simplicity. We brought simplicity to our practice this week by including a few longer holds.

Lots of benefits to longer holds, especially that they allow us a moment to simply let life flow through us. They provide strength and endurance. They help the mind slow down which helps us be less reactionary. So we get this luxury to simply hang out and drop in and do warrior 2 or dolphin pose or plank for a minute or sometimes a little longer :)

Students were reminded that there is no pressure to be extraordinary…. simply feel, be, enjoy. just listen to your breath. Feel your intention moving through your breath as you move through the asanas. We tapped into the simplicity of quiet with a minute in childs pose. In warrior 3 to revolved half moon, we playfully embraced the simplicity of only balancing!

Yogis were asked, “What do you need to do in this moment, to sustain this hold?” Students drew on their breath, their intentions and their gorgeous smiles :)

Simple and clear. Stop, pause, and feel … let energy and magic enter your day.

Thanks for joining me here and on the mat.

Jai and Namaste, Lynn