Midline work


Midline work is interesting and profound work.  Most of us can benefit from coming center .... this fortifies us.  It helps us be more courageous, strong and restful.  We started with a meditation to help let the brain rest, to help let the mind soften.  

Sensing centerline, when your right and left hands press together:  notice the place where  there is no right or left.  Right and left are moving to midline equally, then reverberating out in a quiet, stable way.  See yourself moving through your practice, through your day from midline.  

What is the perfect yoga pose?  Any pose done to the very best of one's honest ability.  With 3 components:  gazing steadily, breathing sweetly, and thinking of how it will help someone else (our yoga practice leaves a powerful imprint.  Others can pick up on that healing energy and it may inspire them to do something healing for themselves).

We focused on hip opening poses and a variety of balancing poses to receive the support of the midline.   And to prepare us for the apex pose: bird of paradise.    Namaste, Lynn